After nearly five months of hard work and dedication, Kim Kardashian is close to reaching her pre-baby weight.
The reality star took to Snapchat to share a photo while standing on a scale, revealing her current weight (139.6) which she says is just 5 lbs. short of where she was before getting pregnant with little Saint West. Just to put that in perspective, that means she's already dropped about 50 lbs. since December.

"YOU GUYS!!!!! PRE BABY WEIGHT WAS 135!!!!!" she captioned the photo, excited about her progress. So how exactly has the mama-of-two been shedding the pounds? Well, just by sifting through her social media, it's obvious she's been putting in work day after day, both in and out of the gym. Check it out:

 She's Not Giving Into Temptations: Speaking of food, it's easy to cheat every now and again, especially while continuously eating out with friends. However, Kim proves she's stayed away from sneaking in extra calories
 She's Working Out Daily: The reality star has stayed dedicated to working out as much as possible, even when she's tired or on vacation