Sunday 26 June 2016

Beauty- 8 Affordable Ways to Prevent Signs of Ageing

When you start seeing your first wrinkles and you have no money for botox, whats’s a girl to do when ageing line start to set in? Less expensive than visiting a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon, here are a few inexpensive ways to prevent signs of ageing recommended by experienced dermatologists and skin experts.

Exfoliate Your Skin Regularly
If your skin can tolerate the regimen, exfoliation, either physical or chemical, allows for the removal of dead skin cells, which gives skin a more youthful and smooth appearance. It can minimize pores and help stimulate collagen production, while also allowing for better penetration of products into the skin.

Limit How Much Sugar You Eat
This might not be the first thing that comes to many people’s minds as a way to improve the skin, but when you ingest sugar or high-glycemic foods that rapidly convert to sugar— whether it’s in the form of an apple or a piece of cake—your body breaks down these carbohydrates into glucose, which raises your insulin levels. Simple carbohydrates, like refined sugar, white bread, and soda, cause your insulin levels to spike, which leads to a burst of inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin, resulting in sagging skin and wrinkles. Digested sugar permanently attaches to the collagen in your skin through a process known as glycation. Aside from increasing the effects of aging, glycation can also exacerbate skin conditions like acne and rosacea.

Stop Staring at Screens So Much
Those nighttime Facebook trolling sessions have to stop. LED screens with a bright background light cause dark circles under the eyes and increase crepe-like texture in delicate skin.

Wear Sunscreen Basically All the Time
Not only does this protect your skin from continuous damage from ultraviolet radiation, but it will also give skin an opportunity to repair previous damage done by sun exposure, such as gradual lightening of dark spots.

Buy Retinol at the Drugstore
Retinol is a staple anti-aging ingredient that stimulates healthy collagen production to strengthen the skin foundation to resist wrinkling. Search for high-quality, inexpensive products containing retinol at your local drugstore from companies like Neutrogena.

Stop Smoking
Smoking causes intense oxidative stress to the body and decreases the skin’s innate ability to ward off damaging aging changes, resulting in a more wrinkled and aged appearance.

Make Sure Your Skin is Never Dehydrated
Use a good moisturizer daily with ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and ceramides—both of these will help decrease water loss across skin and assist in maintaining a healthy barrier. Also, don’t overwash your skin. Remember that your skin is a very delicate organ, and using harsh cleansers can strip the natural moisturizers compromising a healthy barrier.

Decrease the Amount of Stress in Your Life and Try to Get Enough Sleep
Stress causes inflammatory signals to be released and has been shown in numerous studies to worsen acne, eczema, and other measures of skin hydration and appearance. Sleeping releases melatonin, which is the body’s own antioxidant and helps your skin cells repair and regenerate.

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