Sunday 10 July 2016

Husband Gives Wife 500 Roses For Last Chemo Treatment

Last month, Alissa Bousquet, 40, was set to undergo her very last chemo treatment when she got quite a lovely surprise. According to ABC News, Bousquet had a lot to celebrate last month as she was finished with her chemotherapy treatments after being diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer following her very first mammogram in December.
  Her husband, Brad Bousquet, wanted to do something extra special for his wife to show her just how proud he is and how much love and support is around her. To do so, Brad enlisted the help of family, friends, and neighbors. He sent out a text message to about 20 people, asking them to pay $10 for a rose and said that he'd be donating all of the proceeds to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. People were more than happy to contribute -- and spread the word on their own. When Alissa's chemotherapy appointment arrived, she was greeted with 500 roses!
  "I wanted to do something special during this last treatment to celebrate the end of her chemo and to show her the tremendous love and support she has from her friends and family," Brad wrote on Facebook.
Alissa said that she was in shock and that she had "no clue" that her husband was doing this for her. With the help of others, Brad raised $4,500 for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. He and Alissa handed out roses to other patients receiving chemo that day, spreading the happiness and love.
"It was crazy. It just so happened that was the fullest day since I had been doing the chemo. I think there was maybe one chair open or one or two chairs open...that was awesome," Alissa said.

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