Friday 26 August 2016

6 Reasons Why Not To Send Nude Photos Over The Internet
 With the advancement of technology and the advent of the internet, the world has come closer together like never before. Sharing things has never been easier. We can send and receive gigabytes of data in a matter of seconds. We all use it with the help of internet messengers and other email services. And with the creation of apps like Instagram and Snapchat, image sharing is the new cool. Wherever we are, we love to show it off to the world.

But with great power comes great responsibility. And the bitter truth, that most of us don't realize, is that security and privacy on the internet is just a myth. What is put on the internet remains there forever. And without realizing, we put up things that makes us vulnerable and could jeopardize our lives.
Yes, we are talking about nudes photos that people so carelessly share online. We do not realize the possible consequences of our actions, stupidly share such photos, and then repent when something goes bad.
Here are some simple reasons why you should not send nude photos over the internet:

1. You Make Yourself Vulnerable
When you send something with a sensitive nature, you open yourself up to a lot of dangers. A person in possession of a compromising photo of you could potentially blackmail you. Even though there are cyber-crime units set up all over the world, we must remember that prevention is better than a cure.

2. There Is No Trusting Anyone The most common reason why such images are exchanged is because your significant other asked for them. But relationships don't always last forever. So what happens to those images once you break up? They often become a weapon for revenge. Revenge photos and videos have become really common over the last few years. This can be easily avoided if you are smart enough to not send such sensitive things in the first place.
3. There Are Perverts Everywhere
A lot of these risque images are stored on cell phones. While they are deeply personal, there are usually one or two people who have access to our phones. This may also be the case with our significant others. So even if they have no malice in their hearts, the same cannot be said about their friends. You can never be too careful!
4. Server Leaks Are Getting More and More Common Cyber security is something of a myth these days. With servers experiencing leaks and infiltration, one can never be too sure. In 2014, the Apple iCloud server had a major breach, which lead to the leaking of nude photos of several celebrities. If this could happen to one of the most secure servers available for public use, then this could happen to any one of us.
5. There Is Just No Upside To It
The truth is, there is no upside to it at all! If you have already been intimate with the person, they don't need a pic to feel close to you. And if you have not been intimate yet, then there is probably a good reason to wait. Either way, if you are being asked to send such pics, be aware!
6. No Apps Are Safe
With apps like Snapchat, you get a certain sense of safety and security. One can't save images off Snapchat, and if someone tries to screenshot those images, the sender will get notified. However, what most people don't realize is that there are apps that allow you to save even Snapchat images without letting the sender being notified.

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