Friday 28 October 2016

Mother Of Conjoined Twins Finally Gets To Hold One Of Her Sons
 When Anias and Jadon McDonald were born conjoined at the head 13 months ago, their parents dreamed of the day that they would be able to hold their sons in their arms. One week after Nicole and Christian McDonald's twin boys underwent a 27-hour surgery to separate them, the couples' wish is finally starting to come true. On Friday, Nicole finally got to hold one of her sons, Jadon, for the first time, something she says is one of the most profound moments of her life

Both boys are still recovering from their surgery at a New York hospital, but doctors agreed that Jadon was well enough to be held. Nicole cherished every minute of this major milestone as her husband Christian looked on.
Nicole revealed on her Facebook page that Jadon had been extubated and "weaned from the good pain meds" shortly before she got to hold him, so he "whimpered for almost the whole two hours" that he was in her arms.

But comforting her little guy was much easier than it was prior to the surgery — she was finally able to wrap her arms around him, a moment she looked forward to for over a year.
"For over 13 months, I've dreamed of this moment," Nicole wrote on her Facebook page. "I looked down at Jadon's angelic face and saw him in a way I'd never seen him before ... I wrapped my arms around him and rocked. One of the most profound moments of my life."

Anias and Jadon
                                               Nicole McDonald and her son JadonNicole McDonald Facebook

McDonald twin post surgeryNicole McDonald Facebook

Although Nicole's husband, Christian, planned to hold Jadon, he decided against it when the couple realized how upset and fragile their son was post-surgery. It made him happy just to see his wife cuddling Jadon for the first time, something he says was a "very special moment for a mother to share" with her son.
"I was just happy Nicole got to hold him," Christian told reporters. "She's been longing to hold him since the day the twins were born. That's a very special moment for a mother to share."
McDonald twin post surgeryNicole McDonald Facebook

 Now the couple anxiously awaits the go-ahead from doctors that will allow them to hold their other son, Anias. Although he is progressing, CNN reports that his recovery is a bit behind his twin brother. Anias has reportedly suffered from seizures since the Oct. 14 surgery, but he's been seizure-free since last Wednesday, so that's positive news for the McDonald family.

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