Tuesday 26 April 2016

Amazing: Compassionate Waiter Helps Man With No Hands Eat His Lunch

Waiter helps man
A waiter in Douglasville, Ga., showed some compassion over the weekend by helping a man with no hands eat his lunch at the Cinco De Mayo Mexican Grill.

   The kind deed was captured on Facebook by user Reginald Widener and has since gone viral.
"So I'm at cinco de mayo and Alex (server) had a man come in with no hands. So Alex is now helping the man eat his lunch. This seriously hit me right in the soul. Still good ppl in the world," he wrote.
Alex Ruiz, 22, spent more than 30 minutes helping the customer, according to CBS News.

Widener said of the waiter, "He had a smile on his face the entire time. He didn't complain about it; it looked like he really cared," adding, "Southern hospitality is real down here. People do kind things all the time that's above and beyond what normally happens."
Ruiz later explained to people that he only did what was right and was happy to do it.

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