Tuesday 26 April 2016

Orphaned Baby Chihuahua Is Being Raised By A Cat

 A baby chihuahua named Bobby has a cat to thank for giving him a second chance at life. Bobby's mother was struck and killed by a car when he was just two days old, and his chances of survival were low.
The Michigan Humane Society had the unique vision to pair Bobby up with mama cat Gwen, who was already nursing several kittens.

Gwen had no problem accepting Bobby as one of her own, and the mixed family is currently living in a foster home and receiving specialized care. The group is being socialized and receiving a lot of love from those around them.
When the puppy and kittens are healthy and old enough they will be eligible for adoption, along with Gwen.

Facebook users were touched by the story.
"More proof that cats are wonderful!! (I didn't need any) and now these adorable kittens will be ready for a home with a small dog!!!" wrote one.
Another added: "What a beautiful story. I just love seeing happy endings like this."
A third commented: "If this doesn't make you happy and smile ear to ear, you have no soul. Animals are amazing. You guys are amazing."


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