In this article, we will discuss several theories so if you haven't watched seasons 1-6 and plan to, please stop reading now. Reading beyond this point would be like seeing the end of "The Sixth Sense" before seeing the rest of the movie, and that would be a total buzzkill.
Season 7 Trailer: Survive
So what will be in store for us in season 7? Here are a few of our predictions of what may occur this season, let us know if you agree or disagree:
1- Jon and Danaerys will team up, eventually
Well, we know from the trailer that Jon meets
Daenerys and her dragons, but many have forgotten that Jon will also be
reunited with Tyrion. The last time these two spoke, Jon realized that
Tyrion was the only one who had told Jon the truth about the Night's
Watch and the two had developed a mutual respect for one another. Tyrion
respected Jon as the Batard of Winterfell, and Jon respected Tyrion as
the Imp, or the bastard in his father's eyes (but more on that later),
and now the hand of the Queen.
think that Tyrion will be able to convince Daenerys that Jon is a good
friend to have, but she will need convincing to take her eye off the
throne and help Jon wage war against the White Walker's and the Night
King.2- Arya will Introduce Littlefinger to Needle
If you have seen the cover of Entertainment Weekly with the Stark Kids on the cover, you have seen the Valaryian Steel dagger that Arya is sporting on her side. This is the same Valaryian Steel dagger that was used to try to assassinate her brother Bran in season one, which belonged to Lord Baelish which leads many to believe that Arya will kill Littlefinger to get this nifty little blade.3- Sansa may not make it out alive
Unless Sansa confides in Arya and tells her what Baelish is up to, what reason would Arya have to kill the ambitious snake? You also have to consider everything that Sansa has been through, so even if she does make it, her faith in humanity may be a little skewed. Luckily she will have Bienne and Arya (at least for a little while) to teach her how to defend herself if she does go unscathed. Then perhaps she will not see Tyrion as the Imp and will choose to be his bride.4- Gendry makes a comeback
Every Kingdom needs a good blacksmith, especially one that can forge Dragon-glass and perhaps re-forge Valaryian Steel. We have a feeling that when Jon goes North to battle the Night King, Gendry will be in his party. We just hope he makes it back to Arya to make her his "Lady."5- Bran will make it back to Winterfell
You can see in the trailer that Bran makes it back to Winterfell, so the big question is, does he see Jon anywhere along the way? Bran has some big news to deliver to Jon, and he certainly could deliver it by raven, but if it got in the wrong hands that could be bad. He could tell Ed when he goes to the wall, but what can Ed do? We think he will get Howland Reed to tell Jon who his parents are so there is no disputing it, that way he can send a raven to Howland to tell him, and no one will be the wiser. So Jon will find out this season.6- Melisandre may have to take off her necklace
We all know that Melisandre is really old, but no one else does, and we have seen in the first trailer that she will be in the South at the same time as Jon and Ser Davos, so what is a girl to do when certain people want her head mounted on a plank? That's right, wear camouflage. She already told Arya that they would meet again, but will Arya recognize her? One thing that would be really messed up is if Arya killed her, and changed into her not knowing she's not supposed to be in the North, and they kill Arya. Don't even think it!7- Cersei is going to team up with Euron
Okay, every season there is a villain worse that the season before, and as bad as we all thought Ramsay was, Euron is supposed to be even worse (hard to imagine). So if this is true, and he teams up with the evil Queen Cersei, Daenerys may be in trouble, but Jaime may finally be able to see what a sicko his sister is and leave to join his brother. But first, Euron will capture Yara and the Sand Snakes and may even kill Olenna Tyrell, but we may finally regain the real Theon, who will probably die in some noble rescue effort, but it will be nice to have the real Theon back no matter how brief.8- The Hound teams up with the Brother's Without Banners
We were all hoping for "Clegane Bowl, " but that will have to wait, at least for this season. The Hound must have listened to Thoros and Beric when they told him that he wasn't done yet and he had something more to fight for, because he is teaming up with them this season, and will eventually meet up with Jon Snow on his way to battle the white's at "The Wall." Hopefully, on his way to the wall, he will see Arya, and they will hug it out, and he will have something else to live for. Maybe it will be him who protects Gendry in their big battle making sure that he makes it back to Arya, or maybe he makes it back to kill his brother in Clegane Bowl?9- Don't forget about Benjen
Jon and Company are going to get in a wicked fight that will carry us over into season 8, and not everyone will survive, namely Jon and one of Daenery's Dragon's, though most likely Jon will be revived by either Beric by the "Kiss of Life" or Thoros of Myr. In the trailer you see a lone soldier getting ready to take on the white army by himself, and it is our bet that this is Benjen Stark, as Jon gets away on his horse. Then the Night King will have one of Dany's dragons and will be able to fly over the wall.Leading us to This theory:
It has been speculated that Tyrion Lannister is actually a Targaryen and the third head of the dragon, but if one of Dany's dragons die then either the Night King is also a Targaryen and is the third head of the dragon or one of the three actual heads of the dragons must die to reclaim the frozen dragon.
10- Who will Survive Season 7?
So who will survive season 7? With all confidence, we can say Tyrion, Arya, and perhaps Bran (although he will be fighting with Jon in the North, so we aren't 100%) everyone else; we hate to say it is fair game. However, it would not be much of a season 8 without a cast, so who will be left? Here are our Predictions:Jon- will die but survive
Sansa –might survive
Arya – will survive crossing a few more names off of her list
Bran – will survive and fly
Littlefinger – Hopefully Arya will take him out
Sam, Gilley, and Baby Sam – They are safe
Brienne – She might survive
Pod – He might survive, but he is more doubtful than Brienne is
Tormund – We hope he survives and fights with Brienne
Ser Davos – We hope he survives also, but it is doubtful
Ed - Is a goner
Beric – He'll die
Thoros – He'll die
Gendry – We hope he survives
Daenerys – She will survive but not unscathed but may lose a dragon, and she may be a goner next season after she defeats the Night King.
Jorah Mormont – His Grayscale may keep him safe, but he may die while trying to protect Dany
Tyrion – He will be safeVarys – He should be safe
Grey Worm – Might be a goner
Missandei – She may be a goner too
Melisendre – If she can remain hidden she is safe, if not she is a goner
Lady Olenna – Her time may be up
The Sand Snakes – May meet their match
Theon – If he survives Yara dies
Yara – May be saved by Theon, but then he'll die
Euron – If next season is going to focus entirely on battling the white walkers he may survive, if not he may die this season
The Hound – We hope he makes it for Clegane Bowl
The Mountain – We hope he dies in Clegane Bowl
Bron - He may die, but we hope not
Cersei – We think Cersei survives at least until the last episode, Jaime may get sick of her and kill her and decide to team up with Tyrion by then
Jaime – Jaime will survive this season.
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