Wednesday, 19 July 2017

No Matter How Bad Your Day Was, Theirs Was Worse!

Bad Day
 We all have bad days at some time or another or days when everything seems to start off bad and we need something to cheer us up so the rest of the day doesn't get worse. Whether you got a ticket on the way to work, had a booger in your nose when you were talking to your crush, or even dropped your wedding ring down the sink.
 Sometimes seeing people who had a worse day than you can cheer you up, because then you don't feel so bad about your own situation and you remember, no matter how bad your day is, in the grand scheme of things, you can shake it off. Whether you got a ticket on the way to work, had a booger in your nose when you were talking to your crush, or even dropped your wedding ring down the sink, sometimes seeing people who had a worse day than you can cheer you up, because then you don't feel so bad about your own situation and you remember, no matter how bad your day is, in the grand scheme of things, you can shake it off. 
It is hard to not think of yourself as the center of the universe sometimes, but remember, somebody has it worse than you, just be glad that your day wasn't like these people's bad days and that you can carry on to have another bad day and a good attitude to accept it in the future:

Never carry a beer crate with one hand

Beer Dibacle
Broken Handle

Because the Handle Might Break

Guy: Hey Buddy, did you stop for gas on your way to work this morning?

Buddy: Yes I did, how did you know?

Gas and Run

When your day goes from bad to shitty....

Or Shittier

Shitty Day
Scooter Trouble

Screw you guys, I'm going home!

Dangerous Golf
Them animal

Painted my car today...

Painted Car

Topping off a Bad Day

Topping Off

The Risks of Parking Lot Parking

Hit and Run

The Kids Make it Look so Easy


50 Points for the Biggest Splash


Maybe this wasn't such a good idea

Poor planning

Needed: Forklift Driver With 20/20 Vision


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